To download a PDF copy of our latest price list for diagnostic tests, please click here.
Please complete the correct submission form (note the alternative submission forms for PMEs, BVD Cymru and Sheep Scab Antibody Testing).
Please aim to submit fresh faeces as soon as possible after sampling to achieve optimal sensitivity. This is particularly important for the lung worm testing because the technique detects live larvae.
Please also ensure samples are submitted in appropriate containers to avoid possible spillage and contamination. Please see this article from BCVA for some handy advise on posting samples here.
Further information
Please click here to download a copy of an Information pack created by BVD Cymru. The BVD Cymru submission form can be found here.
Lungworm testing
When a Baermann test is used it is crucial that faeces samples are refrigerated and processed rapidly to lower the chances of a false-negative test. Sixty percent of L1 larvae in faeces die within 24 hours at room temperature and 80% or more within 48 hours. False positives can also occur if gastrointestinal nematodes hatch into L1 larvae due to faeces being left for a long time.
Confirming the presence of Dictyocaulus viviparous is known to be challenging even when clinical signs are present in a herd. Clinical signs start from day 15 of infection whilst the Baermann and ELISA tests are only sensitive from day 23 to day 28 onwards. According to some sources, individual Baermann tests need to be done on 9 heifers or 15 cows to be 95% confident that lungworm is not present in the herd.
Further information on diagnosis and control can be found in the In Practice article by McLeonard and Van Dijk (2017).
McLeonard, C. and van Dijk, J. (2017), Controlling lungworm disease (husk) in dairy cattle. In Practice, 39: 408-419.
Information about the Sheep Scab ELISA developed by the Moredun Research Institute (MRI)
For more information on the test, how to use it and Sheep Scab in general please follow the following links:
Useful Sheep Scab Links:
Moredun Flyer – Sheep Scab blood test
Moredun Information on Sheep Scab including links to some useful cartoons
SCOPS Sheep Scab including diagnosis, treatment and quarantine (also useful downloads)
Quarantine – new resources from SCOPS
General information on parasitology control
Recording of WVSC CPD Club Sheep Scab meeting held on 08/09/2021
Recording of WVSC CPD Club BVD meeting held on 26/10/2021
To view our complaints procedure in Welsh or English please click here